Student Research Grant in Audiology Recipients

The Student Research Grant in Audiology supports doctoral students in communication sciences and disorders pursuing research in clinical and/or rehabilitative audiology for a proposed one-year study. The grant is supported by the Ira M. Ventry and Brad W. Friedrich Memorial Funds.


Awarded $2,000

Serena Helman

Serena Helman
AuD Candidate, University of WisconsinMadison
Mentor: G. Nike Gnananteja
Proposal: Evaluating the Importance of the Timescale of Fine Structure of Speech That is Important for Intelligibility in Difficult Listening Situations

Haiping Huang

Haiping Huang
PhD Candidate, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Mentor: Erin Picou
Proposal: Listening Effort: Integrating Cognition With Emotion

Talia Mango

Talia Mango
AuD Candidate, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Mentor: Julia Drouin
Proposal: Perceptual Learning of Speech


Awarded $2,000 each

Donguk Lee
Donguk Lee
PhD Candidate
The University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Mentor: James Lewis
Evaluation of Efferent Unmasking Using Cortical Auditory Evoked Potentials
Laurel Money-Nolan
Laurel Money-Nolan
PhD Candidate
University of South Alabama
Mentor: Ashley Flagge
The Influence of Yoga Training on Functional and Physiological Measures of Balance
Elizabeth Tobener
Elizabeth Tobener
PhD Candidate
The University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Mentor: Steven Doettl
Effect of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss on Video Ocular Counter Roll Measurements


Awarded $2,000

Jani Hammit
Jani Hammit
PhD Candidate
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Mentor: Candace Hicks
Event-Related Potentials of Linguistic Dichotic Ability and Binaural Integration in Adults With Normal Hearing


Awarded $2,000

Caitlin Sapp
Caitlin Sapp
PhD Candidate
University of Iowa
Mentor: Elizabeth Walker
Audibility-Based Counseling for Parents of Children With Hearing Loss


Awarded $2,000 each

Jeong-Seo Kim
Jeong-Seo Kim
PhD Candidate
University of Iowa
Mentor: Carolyn J. Brown
Acoustically Evoked Compound Action Potential in the Electro-Acoustic Stimulation (EAS) of Cochlear Implant Users
Ashley Rae Parker
Ashley Rae Parker
PhD Candidate
University of Connecticut
Mentor: Erika Skoe
The Inner Ear Protein Prestin as a Biological Index of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

View Student Research Grant in Audiology recipients before 2019 [PDF].